MULTI-PURPOSE LEARNING TOOL: Social Skills Boxed Game Set features engaging games to help young children and children with special needs learn essential social skills, such as how to have conversations, manage emotions, play with others, and more.,WHAT’S INCLUDED: This boxed set includes 15 sturdy fold-open learning mats with coordinating cut-out game pieces, each with fully illustrated answer keys as well as a resource guide. Games fold into mini file folders for easy access and clean up.,HOW IT WORKS: These hands-on games help students develop socially appropriate vocabulary, communication skills, and behavior through open-ended play. Activities can also be easily customized for targeted remediation and social problem-solving.,WORKING TOGETHER: Parents, teachers, and counselors can use these engaging games in small groups, one-on-one instruction, or during independent work to help kids of all abilities confidently navigate social situations at home, at school, and beyond.,WHY KEY EDUCATION: Key Education products are designed by former Special Education teachers to meet the diverse needs of all students—helping them to reach their highest potential in learning, communication, social skills, emotions, and behavior.
Key Education's Social Skills mini file folder boxed game set for ages 4 to 8, helps young children and children with special needs learn and improve basic social skills. This sturdy boxed set features 15 full-color games with coordinating cut-out game pieces and illustrated answer keys. Each activity focuses on a specific social skill, including making good choices, emotional regulation, manners, responsibility, hygiene, and more. These engaging games encourage open-ended play and can be used in small groups at centers and learning stations, in one-on-one instruction, or during independent work time. Great for both homeschool and classroom learning, these games are easily adapted for supporting individual student needs, helping students work together to solve social problems, or reteaching students who struggle with social interactions. A resource guide provides additional support for parents and teachers.