Kids Road Builder game: Logical road builder game toy combines the puzzles, mazes and squirrel track cars. Using different parts parts to build a route in the ground plate, linking the road from the beginning to the end, wrap the squirrel car and watch it transport the pine nut to the end. it is the great puzzle game for children aged 4-6 to improve their logical thinking, focus, cognitive and hands-on skills.,Smart Games for Kids: The road building game has over a hundred different ways to play, 5 difficulty levels. The product comes with a detailed instruction manual, which contains 118 problems and solutions. Children can follow the instructions to start the game, from beginner to master difficulty, and they can also play freely and develop their brains.,Cultivate Children’s Comprehensive Abilities: Building a route in the bottom plate using different pieces to create a path, linking the path from start to finish, wind up the car and watch it smoothly transport the marble ball to the end. This puzzle is ideal for enhancing children's logical thinking, focus, observation, color recognition, and understanding of cause and effect.,Keep Away From Screen: Keep your child away from electronic gadgets. You child develops his imagination by creating multiple routes. This toy is Montessori style, and it fosters logical reasoning, problem-solving, and spatial recognition. The fidget puzzle road is also suitable for both kids and adults, great toy for Anxiety, Fidgeters, Focusing, ADD and ADHD, Autism.,100% Satisfactory After-Sales Service: In case of missing or broken parts, or any other concern, please do not hesitate to contact us on Amazon. We will promptly find a satisfying solution to your concern. How to contact us on Amazon: 1. Go to the product listing on 2. Click the “Dachang Future” name under the cart. 3. Click the “Ask a question” button.