【Logical Road Builder Games for Kids】 The logical road builder is designed with large boards, suitable for more players. Children can play by themselves in the single player mode or compete with friends or parents in the double race mode. They will enjoy interactive and educational time while playing this board game.,【Brain Teasers Puzzles with 118 Challenges】 There are 118 exciting challenges of four different difficulties, challenge kid's problem-solving skills. Kids can challenge one of the four level for themselves, from beginner to expert. Children can also build their own challenging route. This maze racer board game is designed to enhance your child's logical thinking and concentration, making it an excellent tool for their cognitive development.,【Compatible with Major Block Brands】 This smart game is an upgraded version. It has a larger board where children can also build blocks on it to create diverse scenes, greatly enhancing their creativity. It is compatible with major brand blocks you can find at home. Please pay attention that the blocks are not included in this set.,【Easy-to-Understand Instructions】No batteries are needed. Our logical road builder game comes with clear and easy-to-understand instructions, ensuring immediate playing once on hand.,【Great Gift Choice】 Whether it's a birthday, or special occasion, this puzzle game makes a thoughtful and educational gift choice for children aged 3 to 8, both boys and girls. It is the best choice for girls and boys toys aged 4-8.