LILUOSUO Podcast Equipment Bundle comes with a mixer and BM800 microphone. The mixer allows for adjusting voice and sound effects, suitable for live streaming, recording, singing, and gaming voiceovers. It features excellent noise reduction and sound adjustment capabilities, making it an indispensable accessory for live broadcasting.,Integrated Design: This device integrates essential functions for live streaming. It allows real-time audio monitoring through headphones, enabling the user to freely switch between high, medium, and low frequencies and optimize background music. Additionally, the device is equipped with four customizable recording buttons, making interactions with fans, viewers, or friends more engaging. These features will make recorded videos or live streams even more exciting.,Simple and Easy to Operate: Even beginners can easily get started with quick and convenient setup of the stand and microphone. Simply connect the cables from the sound card to your computer or smartphone, and you can start using it right away. Additionally, the device supports dual online usage, enhancing the interactive experience for two users simultaneously.,Fun Features: Equipped with 6 voice-changing modes, allowing you to easily switch between different sound effects including original voice, singing mode, female voice, male voice, child voice, and monster voice. Simple short-press operation enables quick switching, adding fun to the user experience.,Powerful Compatibility: Compatible with laptops, desktop computers, smartphones, and tablet devices, can be connected via either a 3.5mm interface or Type-C. Even if the device does not support these two interfaces, a data conversion interface is provided to ensure you do not have to worry about compatibility issues when connecting.,Service Guarantee: We conduct strict screening and inspection before shipping to ensure the normal operation of the goods. If you encounter any problems after purchase, please feel free to contact us, and we will provide you with the best solution within 12 hours.