Study 24-inch Brackets with 150lb Capacity per Pair: Our reliable brackets come in a generous 24-inch size, capable of supporting up to 150 pounds per pair. This ensures you have the strength and space needed for various shelving setups in your home or workspace.,Versatile Design: Our brackets feature a 6-inch long rod with a 1/2-inch diameter, along with a 24-inch wide and 1.0-inch high backplate. These brackets feature an innovative hidden mounting system that provides a clean and sleek appearance.,Easy Installation: Premium brackets deserve premium accessories. We supply top-notch screws and wall plugs for solid surfaces like brick and concrete, as well as premium nylon anchors for drywall and plaster walls. Our steel screws are the perfect length and strength for any project.,Durable Construction: Constructed with durability in mind, our brackets are built to last. They're engineered to withstand the test of time, making them a smart investment for your shelving needs.,Suitable for All Kind of Scenes: Perfect for open shelves in the kitchen, pantry, fire place mantle, garage ar any room in your home or office. Made to perfectly fit nominal size dimensional lumber boards found at local home stores.