Heavy Duty Floating Shelf Brackets: Our heavy-duty floating shelf brackets can hold up to 100 lbs when mounted to a stud or brick wall. The hidden brackets create a stunning illusion that your shelves are floating, adding an elegant and modern touch to your home décor.,Easy Installation: The bracket comes with all necessary mounting hardware and clear instructions, making it simple to install. Designed for easy wall mounting, it provides a strong foundation for your shelves.,Durable Construction: Made from high-quality steel, this bracket provides robust support and stability, ensuring that your floating shelf can hold a variety of items securely without sagging or bending.,Stunning Floating Appearance: Upgrade your home décor with our heavy-duty floating shelf brackets. With their easy installation, elegant design, and durable finish, they are the perfect solution for anyone looking to hang shelves without unsightly metal accessories.,Space-Saving Solution: The floating shelf design helps to maximize wall space and reduce clutter, offering a streamlined solution for both storage and display.