This device supports 5G/4G/3G/2G cellular networks, covering a wide range of frequency bands. Please confirm with your carrier if they support these bands.,The smartphone features a powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Octa-Core processor, the ultimate smartphone chip, and comes loaded with 8GB RAM and 256GB storage.,The I15 ProMax is powered by a large 6800mAh battery, ensuring you have enough power for a full day of use and uninterrupted playtime.,The I15 ProMax 5G unlocked phone is equipped with a 50MP main camera for crystal-clear photos and a 13MP AI front camera for standout selfies.,Additional features include Fingerprint Lock, Face ID, Dual SIM, GPS, WIFI, Bluetooth, and FM radio. Accessories included are a Phone, Screen Protector, Earphones, Power Adapter, USB Cable, and SIM Ejector Pin.