BUILT-IN PARENTAL CONTROLS: Parents can remotely manage and monitor their kid's phones with the Thrive Parent app that works on iOS and Android. We continuously innovate to enhance the Thrive experience with regular software updates that provide new features and functionality.,PARENT-APPROVED APPS and TIME LIMITS: All the fun and educational apps your kids need and ones they love. Each app requires parental approval and has time restrictions. Tamper-proof controls ensure kids cannot bypass them.,SAFE CALLING, SEARCH, BROWSING: With Built-in safe online search and browsing protect your kids from cyberbullies, online weirdos, and inappropriate content. All unknown and spam calls are blocked.,MONTHLY PLAN REQUIRED: Thrive comes bundled with Teracube Wireless service. Teracube Wireless offers affordable monthly plans for all your talk, text, and data needs. Activation is REQUIRED, and easy 2-minute instructions are included in the box (Not compatible with other service providers).,TERACUBE CARE+: Thrive comes with Teracube Care+ protection, which provides express phone replacements for defects and accidents. A protective case and glass screen protector are included with the phone.,GPS TRACKING: Always be in control with the real-time location of your kids.