Network Bands: 5G: SA: n1/n5/n8/n28A/n41/n78, NSA: n41/n78. 2/3/4G: GSM: B3/B5/B8, CDMA: BC0, WCDMA: B1/B3/B8, FDD-LTE: B1/B3/B5/B8, TDD-LTE: B34 | B38 | B39 | B40 | B41*,Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 with 5G: Extraordinary gaming performance. The new Snapdragon 4 Mobile Platform, built on a cutting-edge 4nm process, offers an exceptional energy efficiency ratio and delivers smoother performance for everyday tasks and a seamless gaming experience.,Faster app startup and file reading speed: The powerful combination of LPDDR4X and UFS 2.2 significantly enhances game loading, app startup and image loading speed, resulting in a smoother user experience.,Large 5000mAh(typ) battery: Extra long battery life for peace of mind. The 5000mAh(typ) super power along with the 18W fast charging, ensures a longer use and faster charging and helps you get rid of power anxiety.,90Hz 6.79" FHD+ DotDisplay: Hardware low blue light to protect your eyes. Enjoy life with a big screen thanks to Redmi 12 5G's immersive and smooth 90Hz 6.79" FHD+ display, perfect for everything from watching videos to gaming. With both SGS Low Blue Light Certification and Reading mode 3.0, Redmi 12 5G helps you enjoy your visual experience even more, for even longer.,50MP AI dual camera: Capture vibrant and captivating moments. The high-definition main camera captures every detail vividly, whether it's spontaneous snapshots or city nightscapes.,Side fingerprint sensor: Safe and more convenient. Practical, easy-to-use side fingerprint sensor gives you a fast unlock with a single finger press. Also allows for double-press functionality, unlocking new customizable options.,Superior quality, sturdy and durable: Rigorous testing to ensure endurance. Before each batch of Redmi 12 5G is ready for delivery, they undergo rigorous superior quality testing to simulate extensive and unexpected usage scenarios, ensuring that they can withstand future challenges.