GSM Unlocked: Use your preferred GSM carrier with ease. Compatible with T-Mobile, Metro PCS, and others. Sim card not included. For availability on select networks, please consult your service provider. Note: This device is not compatible with AT&T/Cricket new activations or CDMA networks like Verizon and Sprint.,Perfect Connection: Stay effortlessly connected to your entire ecosystem with NFC technology. Simplify your daily life with contactless payments, quick and efficient data transfers.,Unleash Your Data: Conquer your digital world with the G93's colossal 6GB RAM and 128GB storage. Download, stream, and play without limitations.,Next-Level Gaming: Ignite your passion with a blazing-fast 120Hz refresh rate display. Experience unparalleled smoothness and responsiveness, letting you dominate every level with unmatched gameplay.,Raw Power: Equip yourself for victory with the cutting-edge Arm Cortex A76 Octa-Core MediaTek Helio G99 Processor. Crush every challenge and unlock new possibilities.,Android 13 Ready: Immerse yourself in the latest advancements and optimizations with Android 13. The G93 is future-proof and ready for anything.,Box content: G93, Rugged Case, Screen Glass Shield, Quick Guide, Sim Key, Charger, USB-C cable, Headphones Sticker.