【9 Grid Classification】Embark on a nostalgic gaming journey with an impressive collection of 28,000 arcade games, conveniently categorized into a 9 grid for easy search.,【Pandora 50S】This wireless game stick uses the optimized S905 chip and can support 10 mainstream arcade emulators, Its super performance can support download/pause/archive/read/hide/search functions, etc.,【Plug and Play】With an HDMI interface, it can be adapted to different types of TVs, monitors, screens, etc. Simply plug in the screen and connect to the power supply to start a happy gaming time at any time.,【Wireless Controller】This game console is equipped with two 2.4GHZ wireless controllers, allowing two people to play freely within 15ft at the same time, avoiding the interference of wires.,【Return to childhood】The nostalgia stick game console carries the wonderful memories of those born in the 80s and 90s. Everyone can find their favorite arcade games. We've also printed classic cartoon characters on the box, which would make a great present.