Built-in 218 Classic Old Fashioned Games:This Douddy retro game console with 218 built-in classic old-fashioned games, designed for kids ages 4-12, Train your child's reflexes, thinking skills and memory, Ideal for travel and family fun activities.,Easy to Use:This child-friendly gaming player epitomizes simplicity and ease-of-use, boasting intuitive, ergonomic buttons that are a joy to press. Its simplified gameplay ensures that even children as tender as four years old can embark on adventures independently, requiring minimal guidance.,Larger and Clearer Screen:Powerful gaming center features 3.0 inches HD color display, advanced graphics and audio capabilities, Creates an immersive game world. It can provide children a good gaming experience, and the little sweetheart will enjoy it anywhere anytime.,Rechargeable Lithium Battery:With a built-in rechargeable lithium battery, this handheld electronic game console provides 4-6 hours of play time without worrying about running out of power.It also eliminates the parents from buying and replacing batteries frequently.In addition, you can also use AAA battery or Micro USB, dual power supply design, very practical.,Wonderful Gift for Boys & Girls:This handheld electronic game toy is undoubtedly a well-prepared surprise gift for children, teenagers and even adults. It can bring fun and relaxation to users in their spare time. Whether it's a birthday party, Christmas, Halloween or Thanksgiving reunion, it's the perfect gift choice to convey endless joy and love.