NEWLY UPGRADED DESIGN: YJ-802 video games has been made more fashionable by the designer's efforts, and the size is more suitable for children's hand size. Make your posture of holding the video game console more comfortable.,ENOUGH POWER FOR ON THE GO: Handheld game console uses a large-capacity 1800mAh battery, enough to support you for 4-6 hours in the field, on a journey, or on transportation. Equipped with type-c cable, support you to play while charging.,200 CLASSIC GAMES: The handheld games has 200 built-in non-repeating classic games, including 6 types of games: puzzle, action, education, sports, leisure, and tabletop. Meanwhile, the game console comes with two 6-in-1 game cards, which will look different from other game consoles.,LIGHTWEIGHT AND PORTABLE: The body of the handheld video games is thinner and lighter, without taking up too much space, so that the gameboy fits into your pocket and can be taken out to play anytime and anywhere.,GIFT PACKAGING: Beautiful gift shell packaging, no need for secondary packaging, perfect as a gift for children aged 4-12.