Counting Dinosaurs Toys Set: The package includes 48pcs mini dinosaurs in 6 bright colors, 6pcs plastic sorting bowls and 2pcs tweezers. It's a great preschool Montessori educational math toy that helps kids master early math skills such as counting, grouping, patterning, and comparing.,Learn Colors, Shapes & Maths: Sorting dinosaurs and bowls by matching their colors helps children recognize colors and shapes. Kids can learn basic math addition and subtraction, enhance their math manipulatives, and develop logical thinking.,Develop Fine Motor Skills: Children can sort different color dinosaurs into the corresponding colors bowls by using tweezers or hands, or they can stack bowls in different shapes. These counting toys stimulate children's sense of challenge, enhance fine motor skills and classification capabilities.,Parent-Child Interaction: This toddler sorting toys enhances kids' hands-on ability, logical reasoning, etc. Parents can play with their children using this set of math manipulatives to help them better enter the learning state.,Educational Gifts for Kids 3+: This dinosaur matching game is designed to inspire and stimulate children's thinking. Perfect gifts for kids age 3-6 years old. Our counting dinosaurs sensory toys are made of non-toxic plastic material, safe for kids. Great preschool learning activities and kindergarten classroom must-haves.