Open Ended Toys: Unlike traditional rainbow building blocks, we combine 12 rainbow building blocks, 11 semi-circular building blocks, 11 rectangular building blocks and 11 man-shaped building blocks into a set that offers unusual playability and possibility.,Integrated skill development: Rainbow building blocks can stimulate children's sense of challenge and hands-on ability, improve children's creativity, resilience and perseverance, and enhance fine motor skills, visual-spatial skills and color. Recognize and train logical thinking accordingly. Stacking, nesting, and building can stimulate reasoning skills and help children identify and make connections between abstract concepts.,Open family play: When children play alone, this is a great toy to improve their patience and develop their independent thinking and logical reasoning skills. When children and parents focus on the game, it becomes a great interactive game and promotes a bond between them. In addition, this delightful stacked toy can be used as a unique home decor item to add romance to the house.,Sturdy design: These are medium sized rainbow blocks designed for travel and homeschool. Kids can take this toy anywhere they like, and it's easy to carry. Despite its smaller size, thicker wood prevents it from cracking or breaking.,The ideal gift choice: Toys are fun and can keep your child hooked for hours! Suitable for various occasions: parties, birthdays, holidays, Christmas, etc. It can be played with multiple children, thus increasing the interaction between them.