Safety First: Our sliding glass door lock, which is also used as a window lock, provides you and your family additional security; Great for keeping wandering loved ones inside and unwanted guests out with child safety locks for doors and windows designed for home protection.,Ease of use: Install our patio door lock quickly and easily without any tools necessary using double-sided, easy install/removal adhesive. Just peel and press for a strong, lasting hold for your window stopper. Easy for adults but impossible for children and pets, the sliding door lock is easily lifted with a finger to lock and simply pressed down to unlock.,Out of sight: The crystal-clear design of the locks blend to match any glass door or window making them virtually invisible when installed high and out of reach from your little adventurers.,Durable quality: Made with strong plastic and double sided adhesive, the lock for sliding door blocks the door or window from moving when attempting to be opened without losing effectiveness, even when routinely opened and shut, and will not cause damage to the frame.,Peace of mind: Our sliding door lock for child safety keeps you and your family safe from the possible dangers of an unlocked sliding door and provides window security to improve your home safety.