Window Latch: This window sash lock can be used for both left and right. Prevent unwanted intruders and avoid falling accidents to keep your home safe.,Cam Action Hook Design: This sash lock features a cam action hook that draws the keeper tight when locked. The latch body has anti-jimmy studs which engage the keeper. Make this window lock more sturdy.,Rust-proof & Durability: Zinc alloy die-cast sliding window sash lock using a multi-layer electroplating process well-built makes this window sash lock and keeper high hardness, wear resistance, anti-corrosion, and anti-rust, more durable than plastic window sash locks.,Easy to Install: The distance between the center of the hole is 2.08 inches, simply drill holes in the edge of the window with a 3mm electric drill and tighten the metal sash lock with a phillips screwdriver. Stainless steel mounting screws are included in the package so you don't have to worry about the screws breaking during installation.,What You Get: 4 x Slider Window Latch; 20 x Silver Screws.