24V Powerful Power: Our 24V kid's electric car is equipped with a powerful motor and a 24V 7AH rechargeable battery. It can be ridden for 1-2 hours after being fully charged, allowing stable riding on any terrain. Including 3 speeds controllable, up to an amazing 5 mph, giving children a wonderful riding and adventure experience.,Safe Driving: Our electric ride-on car is equipped with premium anti-skid and shock-absorbing rubber tires to offer a stable start and to ensure the safety of children during driving. Seat belts and wear-resistant tires, as well as additional parent remote control, provide double safety protection for children's driving.,Two Driving Modes: Our kid's battery-powered car not only allows children to freely independently drive through pedals and steering wheels to enjoy the real fun of driving and adventure. And allow parents can also control manually by remote the 24V power wheel vehicle to avoid emergencies and help kids avoid dangerous areas. Aunique spacious 17-inch wide 2-seat design and two driving modes for safety and experience double the adventure.,More Fun Features: Our electric off-road features with ample entertainment including built-in music, MP3 player, and USB ports can create a musical journey for children during the driving process. In addition, the LED headlights, taillights, searchlights, and fantastic LED lights under the electric car add a variety of dazzling colors to the ride. Convenient one-button start, horn, and speed controller, bringing the real driving experience to your child.,Ideal Gift for Boys and Girls: No child will refuse a ride on UTV with a cool appearance. With this kids electric vehicles, children will gain more autonomy and can drive happily and freely. This will be a surprise and unforgettable gift for your son, daughter, granddaughter, or grandson on Christmas, birthdays, and special holidays. Let them enjoy a dreamy and exciting driving experience.