Generous Storage Space: Our dinosaur truck doubles as a storage unit, capable of comfortably housing all six mini dinosaur cars across two decks. No more misplaced Dinosaur cars, making pack away time effortless.,Slide and Go Fun: The top deck of this kids' truck adjusts to form a sliding ramp when connected to the back door skid, allowing the mini dinosaur cars to swoosh down and zoom away. It adds an extra element of fun to Play period!,Engaging Interactive Features: The truck head is packed with features! It's equipped with electronic parts and buttons that simulate engine start, siren, dinosaur-themed music & sounds, along with two LED lights for visual stimulation. The driver cabin top and front grill boast a flip-over design with an inner slide channel allowing cars to slide out from the top and front grill, enhancing the play value.,Bath Time Companion: The mini dinosaur cars are designed with high-quality, water-resistant rubber material. Ensuring they can join your toddler's bath time for some splashy fun!,Learning Through Play: This dinosaur truck toy set encourages children to learn and play, simulating dinosaur-themed cars. It comes equipped with music and sound, lights to better cater to their growing needs such as crawling and chasing, and helps develop essential skills.