Inspired by World-Renowned Artwork: Our Kids' Artwork Sofa Chair features bright and long-lasting colors that won't fade over time. It's a great way to introduce your child to the beauty of art while also providing a comfortable place to read, rest, snack, or play with friends.,Comfortable and Lightweight: The outer shell of the kids sofa is made from 100% durable polyester that won't fade over time. The foam filling is also made of 100% polyester, providing comfort and support. The lightweight design allows children to move it around easily.,Ready to use out of the box: Perfectly sized for growing toddlers, the toddler chair measures 25x18x18.5 inches with a seat back of 14x14 inches and a seat height of 6 inches.,Excellent Craftsmanship: Equipped with a handle and advanced sewing techniques, the reinforced seams make this comfy kids foam chair sturdy and durable.,Machine Washable: Our toddler couch features a removable cover with a zipper can be easily taken off and washed in the machine, making maintenance a breeze.