Angle-Adjustable Backrest: Designed with adjustable backrest, kids can freely adjust the backrest from 90-degree to 130-degree, allowing them to find the most comfortable position for different activities. Kids can comfortably read book, watch TV, play games or take a rest on the recliner. Besides, Retractable footrest enables kids to place their legs for better relaxation.,Pine Wood Frame & Solid Legs: Natural pine wood frame ensures overall stability and sturdiness and keeps it durable and safe to use. And our kids recliner chair can bear a weight up to 120 lbs. Apart from that, 4 solid legs also help the recliner chair to stay stable on the ground.,Thick Padded Seat with Soft Cover: Covered with skin-friendly velvet fabric, the thick padded seat cushion is filled with high elastic sponge, which is durable and breathable. With built-in spring design, kids won't feel uncomfortable when sitting or lying on our lounge chair.,2 Cup Holders & Side Pocket: To bring kids much more convenience, our children's recliner chair features 2 cup holders, 1 large side pocket and 2 small front pockets. Therefore, kids can conveniently put their drinks and easily store kid's pens, books or snacks within reach.,Versatile Design for Wide Application: With stylish look and attractive colors, our recliner chair fits well with any other furniture in your room. Kids can use it in living room, bedroom, kid's room, etc. It helps kids to fully relieve their fatigue and enjoy their leisure time wherever they like. Its finished dimension is 26" x 28" x 34" (L x W x H), while its lying dimension is 43.5" x 26" x 28.5" (L x W x H).