Creative Sorting Game: It great helps recognize shapes and colors, It's a perfect early development educational toy to keep their attention.,Classic Montessori Aid for Early Education - This ever-popular shape and color activity is sure to engage.,Novel Fidget Sensory Toys: It is great suitable for reducing stress and anxiety, helping to develop focus and concentration, and adding more fun.,Safety Portable EdcuationalToys- it can even be used as a calming toy for airplane travel. The texture is very soft, They can be washable.,Nice Gift - The complete set is a perfect gift for birthdays and Christmas stocking stuffers, as well as for home & anywhere else.Perfect choice for many happy moments. With an ASTM F963 International Toy Standard Certificate, these toys are safe and worry-free. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, just let us know so we can give you a refund or replacement.