Excellent Data Service Solution - Our SIM card offers testing traffic plans. Join now to experience this service. Enjoy 4G high-speed data service on the largest and most dependable networks in the United States.,How It Works - Simply insert the SIM card into your device without activation, and you're all set. Our service operates within the USA via 3 major nationwide cellular towers (Verizon/ATT/Tmobile).,Safe and Dependable - No contracts. No additional fees. No hidden charges. No activation fees.This SIM kit comes pre-cut in three sizes to fit any device: Standard, Micro, and Nano sizes.,Compatible and Convenient Data Service - Our SIM cards have undergone testing and are ideal for a variety of IoT devices, such as security cameras, trail and game cameras for hunting, 4G routers, 4G security cameras, 4G PoC radios, and more.,Online Support Available - We offer professional online ordering and customer support to assist you with any issues you may encounter. Your satisfaction is our priority! Please reach out to us via message if you have any questions and provide your SIM card number (keep it safe) so we can better assist you.,This version is recommended for most 4G cellular security cameras and hunting cameras. For some routers, portable Wi-Fi, and hotspot devices, please check if the network band frequency matches: B2.B4.B5.B12.B13.B14.B17.B25.B26.B30.B66.B71