KIT INCLUDES: Universal SIM Card for you to activate your phone with Tracfone Wireless. SIM Card sizes include Standard, Nano, and Micro.,COVERAGE: Get 4G LTE Nationwide Coverage from one of the top three Networks.,WHY TRACFONE: You’ll get reliable 4G LTE nationwide coverage, with no contracts, no credit checks, and no hidden fees at Amazon.,BENEFITS: Keep your phone, network, and phone number. Compatible with most smartphones such as Samsung Galaxy Series, HTC, LG, and all Apple iPhones.,Plans sold seperately.,Note: This phone is carrier locked. Customers must have had their locked device activated on TracFone service for no fewer than 12 months, redeemed air time cards in no fewer than 12 months, and not have had their telephone number recycled or ported.
Also known as a bring your own phone (BYOP) kit, this activation kit allows you to convert your current compatible or unlocked phone into a prepaid phone. This activation kit is compatible with AT&T, T-Mobile and CDMA phones with micro, standard, or Nano sim cards.