DATA SIM CARD: Experience high-speed internet while travelling internationally with this prepaid sim card that includes 10GB of 4G LTE data for 30 days in europe with no activation fees or contracts.,STAY CONNECTED: Keep in touch with friends and family back home while sharing your travel experiences through video chat and social media without spending extra money on expensive roaming charges and worrying about running out of data. Use this sim card for business or leisure to stay connected just like at home.,HIGH-SPEED 4G LTE NETWORK: Enjoy seamless browsing and streaming without any buffering no matter where you are in Japan. This travel sim card for Japan works great in both cities and rural areas.,COMPATIBILITY: This prepaid Softbank sim card features a 3-in-1 design that ensures full compatibility with most smart phone and tablet brands, including iPhone, Samsung, Huawei, Motorola, Oppo, and more.,TRAVEL WITH EASE: Enjoy peace of mind knowing you have access to the internet at your fingertips with this Japanese prepaid sim card. Use this sim card to navigate maps, make reservations, or translate text for a more enjoyable and stress-free trip.,Aland lslands Australia Austria Azores Balearic lslands Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canarylslands Chile Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark El Salvador Estonia Finland France French Guinea Germany Gibraltar Greece Guadeloupe Guatemala Guernsey Hong Kong Hungary Iceland Indonesia lsle of Man Israel ltaly Jersey Latvia Liechtenstein ithuania uxembourg Macau MadeiraMalta Martinique Mayotte Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Norway Panama Peru Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Republic of lreland Réunion Romania Saint Barthélemy Saint Martin San Marino Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Uruguay US Virgin lslands USA Vatican City Vietnam
PrePaid Europe (UK THREE) sim card 12GB data+3000 minutes+3000 texts for 30 days with FREE ROAMING / USE in 71 destinations including all European countries