Our SIM card can be used with 4G 5G LTE unlocked cellphones, such as but not limited to any T-Mobile phone, AT&T unlocked phone, Apple iPhone, Samsung phone, Android phone, Windows phone, any compatible 4G LTE unlocked cellphone.,EASY ACTIVATION: Valid credit card is needed at activation, No contracts, Cancel anytime. Speedtalk Mobile offers its services through prepaid subscription plans. You can also call us for assistance 7 days a week LIVE CUSTOMER SUPPORT when you call our toll-free number.,Service plan starts at just $5/month, available for purchase upon service activation. 3-in-1 SIM CARD KIT(Mini/Micro/Nano).,SIM card can be used to activate any unlocked, 5G 4G GSM compatible phone including iPhones, Androids and non-smartphones.,4G 5G LTE NATIONWIDE COVERAGE including Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands (does not include Alaska) on the largest and fastest network. Check Coverage at STKMap.