SEAMLESS SWIVEL CONNECTIONS: Easily connect your oxygen tubing with ResOne's swivel connectors. They rotate 360 degrees, making movement a breeze for medical or home oxygen use.,NO WORRIES ABOUT LEAKS: Barbed for a tight fit, our connectors ensure leak-free coupling. Trust in a secure connection for a reliable oxygen supply with every use.,SIMPLE ATTACHMENT, STANDARD SIZE: ResOne's connectors are straightforward to attach. Designed in a standard size, they fit easily with different oxygen tubes, simplifying the setup for caregivers and medical professionals.,CONVENIENT 5-PACK: Get peace of mind with our 5-pack connectors. Perfect for managing your oxygen supplies, whether it's for home oxygen concentrators or medical facilities.,VERSATILE FOR EVERY OXYGEN NEED: ResOne's connectors work in various scenarios, from marine oxygen supplies to home concentrators. They're your go-to solution for all oxygen-related needs.