The GOTOBA green pencil holder for desk is a versatile and compact desk accessory that can efficiently accommodate pens, pencils, and other items such as makeup brushes. It aims to keep your workspace tidy and organized by providing 6 slots for storage.,360° Rotating Design: This pen organizer for desk features a 360° rotating base, it rotates very smoothly and does not get stuck, allowing you to easily access all your items without hassle.,Stable Placement: The anti-slip foot pad design ensures stable placement on any desk surface, preventing the makeup brush holder from sliding or tipping over.,Stylish and Functional: The GOTOBA Pen Holder for Desk combines cute brush holder, style and functionality, making it the perfect addition to any workspace.,After-sales guarantee: We prioritize customer satisfaction and guarantee unconditional refunds if you are dissatisfied with our products. Additionally, you may even keep the item, give us a try!