Efficiency in Abundance - Our lined sticky notes Set includes 8 pads, each with 35 sheets, bringing you a total of 280 sticky notes. These lined sticky notes are ready to help you stay organized and efficient in every endeavor.,Increase Productivity - Boost your productivity with our lined sticky notes. Ideal for jotting down to-do lists, writing notes and easily organizing tasks, these large sticky notes 4×6 bring a touch of creativity to your workplace.,Brighten Your Study Journey - Enhance your learning journey with our boho color theme lined sticky notes. Whether it's textbooks, exam prep, or brainstorming ideas, our lined sticky notes add flair and functionality to your academic pursuits.,Life in Boho Color - From jotting down grocery shopping lists to recording recipes, these companions add flair to your everyday life. Organize tasks, express creativity, and infuse life with positivity with a sheet of lined sticky notes.,Large Sticky Notes, Practicality Redefined - Lined sticky notes are an indispensable tool for reminders, organizing tasks, and jotting down notes. Whether it's jotting down a quick thought or highlighting an important detail, these big sticky notes 4×6 are an indispensable companion in our daily lives.