1. Soft and Mild Pastel Colors: This set of 12 assorted highlighters provides a gentle touch to your notes and papers, making them perfect for studying, working.,2. Quick-Drying and No-Bleed Ink: water-based ink that dries quickly and won't bleed through paper, these highlighters ensure a smooth writing experience of your documents,favorite book passages, bible or notes.,3. Comfortable and Portable Design: With a flat shape, it is easy to hold without causing a sore hand. lightweight, space-saving structure, these highlighters can be carried and used anywhere.,4. Versatile Chisel Tip: The multipurpose chisel tip of our highlighters efficiently produces both wide and narrow lines, making them ideal for highlighting scriptures, notes, journals, and various books with bright and vibrant colors.,5.Perfect for Daily Use: These cute highlighters are suitable for journal, planner, work, study, note taking, annotating, etc., in school, university, at home, in the office and even when traveling. Great gift for families and friends.
Gotideal Aesthetic Cute Pastel Highlighters set