STAY ORGANIZED ON THE GO: Keep your essentials close and organized with the Vive mobility side bag, designed to securely attach to any wheelchair, scooter or rollator. With multiple compartments, you can store drinks, snacks, glasses, electronics, and medications with ease.,UNIVERSAL FIT: The adjustable fastener straps provide a secure fit on any mobility aid, including wheelchairs, transport chairs, scooters, walkers, and rollators. With four points of contact, including a bottom strap for added stability, your items will stay safe and secure.,EFFORTLESS ACCESS: With two exterior pockets, a zippered pouch, and a large interior compartment, the mobility side bag is equipped with ample storage space to meet your needs. Dual zippers with large, o-ring pulls provide easy access to all compartments.,DURABLE & CONVENIENT: Constructed with water-resistant polyester material, this 11.8" x 8.6" mobility bag is both lightweight and easy to clean. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your items are protected from the elements.,GUARANTEED SATISFACTION FROM A TRUSTED BRAND: Backed by a 60-day guarantee, purchase with confidence and enjoy the benefits of a well-organized, convenient, and durable mobility side bag.