795 PCS Weapons Series Mini Building Toys Set: This creative building blocks set contains 806 pieces in total, including various weapons, tools, and accessories. It's a perfect gift for kids aged 6 and up, and it can inspire their imagination and creativity.,Cut Down On Screen Time: If you're looking for ways to get rid of screens? Try this very challenging family interactive building block game. It allows everyone to participate and have fun. Enjoy leisurely family time together.,Very Detailed Installation Manual:It will take a little patience as the blocks are a bit small, but don't worry, you can definitely make it. We are equipped with a detailed installation manual, and come with a small hammer for building blocks and an auxiliary tool, which can help you easily remove or assemble blocks,The World's Smallest Building Block Set: please look at our picture introduction carefully, this is a miniature particle building block, not suitable for people with thick fingers. Finished Dimensions - 5.6 x 4.2 in.Note that these are mini building blocks, which means some building blocks may be smaller than 5 mm.,Do You Have The Confidence To Finish It? Playing with blocks is a very decompressing process, but you need enough patience, this game can help your brain focus. And it can be placed on your computer desk, desk or display stand after completion, adding more colors to your life.