Urban Railcar Building Set Toy: This building blocks trains set toys include 1488pieces and accessories. Includes station platforms, traffic lights, footbridges and sea crossings. After building the track, you can control the city rail car to travel in it.,Good-Quality Material: Made of premium ABS material, non-toxic and durable plastic that are safe for kids. The track blocks can be seamlessly connected to each other. The railcar can travel smoothly without getting stuck.,Come with step-by-step picture instructions and numbered package,help your children improve their logical thinking and problem-solving skills while enjoying the fun of building with these versatile building blocks toy.,Ideal Gift: Beautiful box packaging with a detailed instruction included for a interesting building experience. So It is a good choice for kid ages 8 year old and up,teenagers and adults who are keen to DIY building blocks as a party, birthday, holiday gift or reward.,Missing Support: If you find missing parts while building, please feel free to contact us.