MAGNETIC EDUCATIONAL STICKS is a captivating STEM learning toy, designed to inspire children of all ages with its limitless magnetic construction possibilities. Ignite their creativity as they delve into a world of boundless innovation and creation.,FOSTER CREATIVITY & SELF-ASSURANCE: These vivid magnetic blocks encourage children to grasp the fundamentals of colors and shapes, stimulating their imaginative thinking, symbolic reasoning, and problem-solving skills, all while indulging in an enjoyable playtime experience.,INGENIOUS DESIGN & EFFORTLESS ENGAGEMENT: With an array of 64 magnetic sticks, each in a unique shape, kids can explore a multitude of possibilities, constructing a plethora of 3D models that reflect the depths of their imagination.,SAFETY-FIRST & PREMIUM QUALITY: Crafted from top-tier ABS plastic and equipped with secure, permanent magnets, the toy ensures hassle-free connections and disconnections. Its sleek surface guarantees a gentle touch, making it safe for your child's delicate skin. This durable construction toy is built to last.,BOND WITH FAMILY JOY: Perfect for both boys and girls, as well as toddlers, this toy promotes valuable parent-child interactions. Witness your child's willingness to complete their creations with your assistance, fostering a deeper connection. Additionally, it serves as an exceptional educational aid for teachers in both schools and kindergartens, facilitating an immersive and engaging learning environment.
ABS Plastic Shell with neodymium magnet - MAGNETIC BALLS & STICKS is an engaging STEM learning toy designed for children of all ages. With its open-ended magnetic construction, this toy offers endless possibilities for creative exploration. Watch as your children's imagination takes flight, creating a myriad of unique structures and designs. The vibrant magnetic blocks not only help children recognize basic colors and shapes but also foster creativity, symbolic thinking, and problem-solving skills while they revel in the joy of play.