Supreme Strong Magnetism: The strong magnetism design of one end sharply guides the plug to match the charging port of your MacBook. Meanwhile it resists most unintended disconnects to ensure fast charging.,140W Fast Charge: Supports PD3.1 with power max up to 140W depends on your power adapter. Highly recommend you charge your MacBook with primary 140W or secondary 96W power adapter for fast charging.,LED Indication: The LED shows amber when the battery is charging and turns green while it is fully charged.,Meet Your Charging Scenarios: The fast-charging cable is 6.6ft in length, which enables you to use it in versatile occasions such as in living room, bedroom, lounge, office, car rear seat and more.,Specifically for Your MacBook: The 140W USB-C to Magnetic 3 Cable is made for charging MacBook Pro 14-inch 2021/2023, MacBook Pro 16-inch 2021/2023, MacBook Air 13/15-inch M3 2024, MacBook Air 15-inch M2 2023, MacBook Air 13-inch M2 2022.