Upgraded version 600P: After the children's building toys are upgraded, 600P is enough, and the upgraded version with tires can create more shapes. The color upgrade is more colorful.,Creative STEM Toys: Link building block toys can assemble planes, rockets, ships, cars, houses and anything else they can imagine, stimulating children's creativity and improving hand-eye coordination. Develop children's imagination, creativity, motor skills and thinking skills.,Learning and educational toys: Straw construction toys can be effectively combined with school textbook knowledge to improve children's science, technology, engineering and math skills. Toys that enhance children's academic performance.,Toys for family members: toys that can be used by many people together, accompany the children to build the desired shape together, and gain more sense of achievement and parent-child time.,Safety Best Toy Gifts: Upgraded materials are safer . Beautifully packaged ideal for birthday gifts, kids party supplies, classroom educational materials, kindergarten aids, daycare, preschool toy building sets.