Artistic Parrot-in-Tree Design: This unique parrot building toy set features a charming parrot nestled in a blossoming tree. The vibrant design sparks imagination and adds a touch of wonder to playtime.,Micro-Sized Building Blocks: The flower parrot building block set is richly colored.Experience the magic of tiny building blocks! Our set features micro-sized pieces, offering a challenging yet rewarding building experience. Also this building toy set will look awesome on display in kids' rooms after finishing the building work.,Inspires Creativity and Imagination: Watch as your child's creativity blossoms! Our building blocks are designed to inspire and stimulate imaginative thinking, fostering a love for creative expression and problem-solving in kids' minds.,Perfect Gift for 8-Year-Olds: Give the gift of creativity! Tailored for 8-year-olds, our creative flower parrot is not just a toy; it's a gateway to endless adventures and constructive fun, making it an ideal present for birthdays or special occasions.,The flower parrot building block set measures over 21.7 cm (8.5 in.) high, 12.7 cm (5 in.) long and 12 cm (4.5 in.) wide.