PACKAGE INCLUDE:Our innovative design includes a 3 in 1 integrated platform ,a phone holder mount, go pro mount, handheld radio mount, and radio mount. This versatile feature makes it easy to mount multiple devices simultaneously, allowing you to capture every moment or stay connected on the go.,360 DEGREES BALL-HEAD: Featuring a 360-degree ball-head, our adjustable navigation holder allows for flexible positioning and easy adjustment. You can freely rotate your device to find the perfect viewing angle.,STABLE AND DURABLE: Our electric device GPS mount is designed to provide stability and durability in all situations. With its high-quality construction, you can trust that this mount will securely hold your device throughout your journey.,SUPERIOR PROTECTION: With the inclusion of a cushion sponge pad, our GPS mount provides excellent protection against vibrations generated during driving. Your expensive electronic products will remain safe from any potential damage or scratches, giving you peace of mind while on the road.,EASY INSTALLATION: Installing our electric device GPS mount is quick and effortless. Follow the instructions provided, and you'll have your mount ready for use in no time. The user-friendly design ensures hassle-free installation, making it a convenient choice for you.