Learning Made Fun - Our unique STEM toys keep your child playing for hours on end. They'll strengthen their fine motor skills and flex their critical thinking muscles without even realizing it.,Endless Possibilities - With 70 unique star-shaped pieces in 5 different shapes and 6 bright colors, your little ones will have a blast creating all sorts of shapes and forms with our open ended toys.,Safe and Durable - Made from high-quality, non-toxic BPA plastic, these connectors for kids can withstand even the roughest of playtimes. Recommended for ages 3 and up.,Simple to Use - The star-shaped interlocking manipulatives are designed for easy connecting and disassembly, making it a breeze for kids of all ages to unleash their creativity.,From Classroom to Playroom - These toys are perfect for keeping little ones entertained for hours on end, whether they're in the classroom or at home. Use the included tote bag for easy storage.