Multi-Device Compatibility: This portable 12 channel mixer features Bluetooth connectivity, allowing wireless streaming and enabling it to function as an input for mixing signals with other input channels. It is compatible with IOS, Android, tablets, and MP3 players.,Built-in Bluetooth Playback: External devices such as mobile phones and computers can be connected through Bluetooth. The mixer also supports direct input from USB devices like MP3 players and U disks. It features a built-in MP3 player and recorder supporting formats such as MP3, WAV, and WMA. Additionally, it allows computer recording and sound editing via USB and computer connections, facilitated by a high-definition LCD display.,A12 Mixer Unique Features: Built in high-speed ARM chip with unique low noise,variablesound,processing technique such as tone modulation,reverberation,delay,and electric sound effects.,Ultra-Thin and Durable Chassis: Featuring an ultra-thin design and sealed rotary controls to resist dust, this mixer provides a satisfying tactile experience. Its compact build offers total dynamic control and is ideal for high-quality on-stage performances, delivering premium crystal-clear audio playback at a studio-level quality.,Suitable for Various Occasions: Can be used for stage performances, bands, conferencerooms, recording rooms, bars, and other occasions
Analog mixer merging with digital sound card
12 channel mixer
10 micropbones/2 line inputs (10 mono+2 stereo)
Sampling rate:24 bit/48kHz
High resolution, dual track recording and playback output
Built in high-speed ARM chip, with unique processing technologies such as low noise, variable sound tone change, reverberation, delay, and electroacoustic effects
Multiple input/ output combination interfaces, with multiple recording methods available
A versatile power input method and a switching 48V phantom power supply
High quality EQ abd high pass filter
The flexible LOOPBACK function is perfect for recotding and anfine live streaming
Adopting LXR combination micrphone input interface
The level can be visually recorded, making it easy to adjust flexibly at any time
Built in high-quality operational amplifier