ELIMINATE INTERFERENCE: The inner side of the microphone isolation shield is made of absorbing cotton insulation that can reduce sound reflection when recording.,FLEXIBILITY & CONVENIENCE: The folding panel design features enables angle adjustments, giving you optimal insolation. Compact design, lightweight construction as well as fold-ability allows you to carry it easily and take along wherever you go.,DURABILITY: Constructed out of premium steel with high-quality screws to ensure sturdiness, and long lasting performance. DIMENSIONS:11.6In (29CM) Tall and 18.5In (47CM) Wide when fully extended out for use.,VERSATILITY: The microphone isolation shield can be fixed on a countertop or tabletop, and also can be mounted to a microphone stand. *Does not include any Aokeo microphones, stands, etc. which is purchased separately. Only the pop shield will be in box*,DESIGN: Block unwanted sounds from entering your microphone by using this Microphone Isolation Shield. This acoustic shield features an acoustic foam front and a vented metal back plate. *NOTE: THIS DOES NOT COME WITH ANY STAND. ADDITIONALLY IT MAY OR MAY NOT FIT YOUR PERSONAL STAND, BUT DOES FIT AOKEO BRANDED STANDS 100% GUARANTEE*