100% HAPPINESS GUARANTEED: We strive for excellence, we’re proud of each and every King-A-MA-JIGS product. Our mission is to provide our customers with products that exceed their expectations. On a few occasions that our customers aren’t fully satisfied, just contact us and we’ll refund the full amount of your purchase.,LIGHTWEIGHT: An alternative to our more expensive, heavy duty tarps that are meant to last longer, this light to medium duty multipurpose tarp is a more affordable option. Unlike our competitors' products, even our economy tarps can withstand regular use.,TARPS: Ideal tarp to bring on a hunting, backpacking, or outdoor camping trip, as it does not add too much carrying weight or bulk, and it could be used as an emergency shelter, blind, or ground cover. Stick it in the trunk of the car, in your camping gear or hunting backpack, or have close by to cover your tools, firewood, etc. during the rain.,SPECIFICATIONS: 5.5 Mil Thick – Tarp Finish Size 8 x10 Feet - Metal Grommets Every 18 Inches - Capped Reinforced Corners - Rope Reinforced Hems - Double Lamination,FEATURES: Waterproof. Dustproof. Weather, & Tear Resistant - Sun Ultraviolet (UV) Resistant