Dementia Puzzles for Seniors: Our set includes 6 colorful 24-piece puzzles, each measuring 11.7 x 8.3 inches. Biarek large piece puzzle games are perfect for seniors, elderly, and adults.,Quality Materials: Each jigsaw puzzles for seniors is crafted from durable cardboard pieces, meaning they’re easy to clean and can be used over and over again.,High Quality Puzzle: The 0.1-inch thick puzzle pieces ensure durability and resistance to bending. Non-toxic ink printing ensures safe use.,Cognitive Games for Elderly: Boost cognitive health with our dementia products featuring penguins, sea turtles, deer, and landscapes. These alzheimers products for elderly offer therapeutic benefits and enhance quality of life through engaging activities.,Gifts for People with Dementia: Our puzzle games set for seniors is an ideal gift for those with dementia or Alzheimer's, offering activities that enhance cognitive function and brighten their day. Additionally, the outer packaging does not mention dementia.