USA MAP PUZZLE: A 31 inch long, 1000 piece puzzle for adults and kids of the United States map. This puzzle includes iconic symbols from each state in the USA giving it a vintage look.,LARGE PUZZLE BOARD: An aesthetic puzzle that's large enough to frame and hang on your wall once completed. Show of your puzzle skills, and hang this jumbo puzzle board as home decor in your game room, living room, bedroom, wherever!,PUZZLE GAME: Jigsaw puzzles can be a healthy brain game and improve learning skills. Puzzling can improve patience and problem solving skills, as well as teach delayed gratification as you must stick to your jigsaw puzzle table and are only rewarded once it's completed.,FAMILY PUZZLE: Our puzzles are the perfect activity for the whole family. Gather around kids, girls, boys, teens, and adults to play and put this puzzle frame together while enjoying a conversation surrounding each state and region of the United States. The USA puzzle can also make for a great gift or activity for Christmas or Thanksgiving.,TDC GAMES: Making the world’s zaniest party games and exceptional puzzles since 1984. Our games are fresh and imaginative with a twist of humor. TDC Games has been honored with many awards including the following: The Fat Brain Award, The National Parenting Center Seal of Approval & The Tilliwig Best Family Fun Award.,FOLLOW OUR BRAND STORE: For more party games, puzzles, dice games, card games, and more. Visit our Brand Store to see everything TDC Games has to offer.