500 Piece Puzzle for Adults and Children - Celebrate Halloween with this sweet black kitten resting on a jack-o-lantern in a sunflower field just outside the haunted house on the hill.,Unique Cut and Perfectly Fit Pieces: Our precision-cut pieces are never repeated and are thicker than standard, ensuring a seamless fit and a frustration-free puzzle experience.,Stunning Artwork: Springbok delivers captivating designs with vibrant colors to elevate your puzzle experience. Choose from challenging images to peaceful, nostalgic prints that can be preserved and displayed with pride upon completion.,Eco-Friendly and Premium Quality: Crafted in the USA using 100% recycled board material and non-toxic soy-based inks, Springbok puzzles are both environmentally conscious and built to last for years. Trusted and treasured since 1963.,Made in the USA: Proudly manufactured in Kansas City, MO, Springbok puzzles are designed for family fun, offering endless entertainment and great get-together activities.