4-Piece Set. This bathroom hardware set includes a 24 inch towel bar, towel ring, toilet paper holder and towel hook.,High Quality Material. The bathroom accessory set is made of premium metal such as stainless steel and aluminum, solid structure, rustproof and built to last. Smooth surfaces and edges make it easy to hang towels or paper towels.,Well Designed. The surface is matte black finish, can match with any other bathroom fixtures. Great adornment to complement any bathroom. It is perfect to upgrade your bathroom remodel.,Easy Installation. All screws accessories are included in the package, just follow the included directions to install. The sturdy screw base ensures that the them stays securely fastened to the wall and stands up to daily use.,Save Time & Money. The color and style are consistent across all the pieces. 4-Piece bathroom hardware set can meet the needs of the bathroom, no need to spend time and effort to purchase one piece by one piece.