Popular theme:Loved by children, reducing unhealthy video game time, providing children with a healthier way of playing.,Puzzles for kids: Safe and non-toxic,vibrant and clear surface,smooth and easy to clean.The cardboard material is sturdy and not easy to bend.,100 piece puzzles: The puzzle size is about 9.02 x 6.14 x 1.38 inches,the packaging box also reduces the occupied space and is very convenient to carry.An exquisite gift for kids!,Jigsaw puzzle: Every piece is unique,reducing errors and difficulties when assembling and increasing children's self-confidence,cultivating their patience and concentration and ability to solve problems independently.,Learning Educational Puzzles Toy: Different role's characteristics in the puzzle can create many conversation topics with children,and the vibrant colors attract children's attention and are easily accepted and loved by them.
A:Each puzzle piece has a different shape and does not repeat from each other.
Different puzzle pieces can reduce mistakes,making it easy to put them together.
B:100 piece puzzle,large size when it is done.
The size when completed is 16.2 inches×10.6 inches,which is convenient for viewing details and helping protecting eyesight.
C: Many different characters and colors included.
Vibrant colors and different characters can quickly gain children's love and interest.
D:High-quality cardboard puzzle
The cardboard shape cuts smoothly and non-toxic,making it very safe and environmental when children play.