Crisp Clear Painting: Using unique surface film technology, the HUADADA puzzle allows vibrant and beautiful color remains freshness long time, the pretty picture values for framing and displaying as art.,Pieces Connect Well: The 100 pieces puzzles are made of recycled cardboard, and precisely cut for the perfect interlock without swollen edges, not too tightly or too loosely. You will enjoy nice smooth placement when attaching pieces.,Happy Family Fun: It is hours of challenge which the whole family can get into, made for good conversation time working puzzles, suit for a leisurely afternoon sharing enjoyable time with family.,Early Development: Working the underwater puzzle can help keeping patience and concentration, bring your kiddos pattern recognition and brain stimulating, giving a sense of accomplishment after finished puzzle.,Great Gift Giving: The HUADADA puzzle is an absolute blast for kids, classmates, friends, and family, also for party eve, birthday, holiday or other good days.