Looking for a creative and educational game for your child? Look no further than Mr. Pen blank puzzle! This puzzle can help children develop their imagination and enhance their writing and drawing skills.,Package includes 8 blank puzzles, so your child can create any design they can imagine. Each 28-pcs black puzzle measures 8.1" x 5.5.,Mr. Pen blank puzzles are made of durable and sturdy material. They will not easily deform or fray, making them a great option for hours of enjoyment.,This blank jigsaw puzzle is perfect for kids who want to be creative! They can write and draw on it however they want, and the best part is that it helps improve their hand-eye coordination, fine operation, and manual skills.,Mr. Pen blank puzzle is perfect for little ones who are just beginning to learn how to put puzzles together, or for adults looking for a fun activity with their kids.