MasterPieces Selfies 4-Pack introduces kids to enchanting animal selfies from safari, woodland, farm, and pets. Four 100-piece puzzles for a captivating experience.,We are a 25-year Arizona-based Puzzle & Game Company, skillfully crafts puzzles with thick, durable boards and non-toxic soy-based inks for an eco-friendly, safe experience.,Tailored for kids aged 6+, our 8"x10" puzzles enhance cognitive skills. The Right Fit Guide ensures an ideal puzzle experience by matching piece count and size to your child's age and skill level.,Engage young minds with vibrant colors, unique themes, and hidden patterns. Foster cognitive skills through wildlife, silly characters, and enjoyable image puzzles for endless fun.,MasterPieces offers premium puzzles with unique design and high-quality packaging. Our distinctive die-cut ensures a tight interlocking fit, enhancing the enjoyment of each piece.